Airforce School


    • In case of number of children being more than the vacancy, draw of lots should be carried out strictly in the order of priority and as per the sequence listed below.

Priority I

    • children of serving and deceased (while on active service) IAF officers, Airmen and NCs (E)

Priority II

    • Children of serving Air Force School Staff (whose spouse is not a serving Air Force Officer, Airmen or NC(E)).
    • Children of serving Armed Force personnel posted to MES at that AF station.
    • Children of serving DSC personnel posted to Air Force Units.
    • Children of serving civilian staff of Air Force units paid out of defence services Estimates.
    • Children of serving NPF employees.
    • Children of serving civilian MES personnel.

Priority III

    • Children of Air Force Officer, Airmen or NC(E) who have superannuated from service and children of serving Army personnel
    • Children of Air Force Officer, Airmen or NC(E) who have left services on Premature Separation from services (PSS) or on completion of period of Regular Engagement (RE), before the age of superannuation.

Priority IV

    • Biological/ legal grand children of serving and retired(both superannuated as well as those who have gone out on PSS/completion of Re) Air Force Officer, Airmen or NC(E)
    • Children of serving Navy, military forces personnel, GREF and TA

Priority V

    • All other children including children of foreign nationals/NRIs

Age Limit

    • The maximum/ minimum age limit of the child as on 01 Apr of the academic year in which admission is sought is as mentioned. below: –
      • NURSERY: 03-04 Years
      • LKG: 04-05 Years
      • UKG: 05-06 Years
      • CLASS 1 :06-08 Years
      • CLASS 2: 07 – 09 Years
      • CLASS 3 : 08 – 10 Years
      • CLASS 4 : 09-11 years
      • Minimum/ maximum age at the time of admission to other classes will accordingly be calculated as per the above stipulation. Child born on 01 April would be deemed as having attained the requisite age. No age waiver will be granted. The maximum age limit can be relaxed by two years in case of differently abled children.



    • Birth certificate issued by Military/ civil hospitals as well as by Municipalities/ village panchayats.
    • In case of defence personnel, POR extract duly signed by Unit Adjutant is also required.


    • Students coming on transfer with TC from an Air Force School, as well as students with TCs from non-Air Force Schools, seeking admission to class II and above, will not have to undergo any admission test. Air Force School TCs should be countersigned by the ED of the school.


    • The academic session commence on 1st April and closes on 31st March.


    • The school shall function from Monday to Saturday
    • Pre-Kg, LKG, UKG (Monday to Friday): 9AM to 1:30 PM
    • Grade I, II & III (Monday to Saturday): 9AM to 3:20 PM
    • Last working day of each month: 9AM to 11 AM
    • It is compulsory for all the students to attend the General Assembly in the morning. Students should arrive in school at least 10 minutes before start of the school.