Airforce School


    • Any evaluation report of the child is made at the end of every term and PTM is held to enable the parents/ guardian to know the progress of their child.
    • Parents are requested to ensure that their wards come to school in proper uniform regularly and punctually..
    • Please check the diary of your ward daily.
    • Parents are to ensure that their ward brings required study materials to school. They are also to note and sign the instruction issued to the child.

    • Encourage your award to cultivate the habit of neatness and hygiene.
    • Parents / Guardian / visitors are not allowed to directly walk into the classroom or to meet teachers during their class hour..
    • . Avoid withdrawal of your ward from the class for mere social functions.
    • . The habit of self – help in work and study should be encouraged.
    • . Any special tendency noted in the child should be brought to the notice of the school authorities at the earliest.
    • .Wearing gold earrings with long drops, anklets etc. are not allowed. Wearing bindis and colourful clips are also not allowed
    • .Keep an additional pair of civil dress in your ward’s bag.